2011年8月24日 星期三

The Bhsmc 五加行第三班畢業典禮-堪祖透美仁波切開示(Trulku Thokmeth)


2011年8月13日 星期六

堪祖透美仁波切/Khentrul Thokmeth Rinpoche 與不丹民族風情畫

Khentrul Thokmeth Rinpoche was born in Kheng Goling, Bhutan in 1970, to Tali Pa as his father and Sangay Wangmo as his mother. When Rinpoche was born, there were many auspicious signs.
At the age of 6, Rinpoche started to utter what he has gone through in his past life, including names of relatives; he appeared to have a clear memory of his past life. One day, a disciple of his from his past life, Lop Ther Chung Rinpoche took him to HH Dielgo Khentshe Rinpoche and proved these incidents to HH.
Subsequently, HH has recognized Rinpoche to be the reincarnation of Geshe Rikzang Rinpoche and presented him a white khata that represented auspicious and fulfillment. HH had also presented him the representations of body, speech, mind, quality and activity so that in the future, his activity of benefiting the sentient beings may be fulfilled. Body --- a statue of Guru Rinpoche, speech ---a long life sadhana, mind ---a stupa, quality and activity --- a treasure vase, a bell, a phurpa, two kapalas and a testimonial certificate.
At the age of seven, he was enthroned in the monastery by his disciple from his past life, Khenpo Ther Chung Rinpoche. Many were present; among them were Rinpoches, bikshu, bikshuni, lay people and officers of the government.
From 7 to 20, Rinpoche learned the alphabet, dharma grammar, sutras, commentaries, worldly dharma like making tormas, playing instruments, mudra, vajra dance etc. After he completed his study, he stayed on to serve as a teacher, treasurer and other posts, all of which he had shown perfect responsibility.
From 20 to 23, Rinpoche has been studying at Tongsa Tsangkha Institude under the supervision of Lop Nurbu Wangchuk Rinpoche. The subjects of his study included commentary canons, sutras, Madyamika, debate and also astrology. From the age of 23 to 32, for almost ten years, Rinpoche stayed in southern India at the Namdroling Monastery of HH Penor Rinpoche, studying sutras, commentary canons, Madyamika, Maha Prajna sutra and received the Namchoe, preliminary, 5 Foundations, tzalung, Zhogchen, oral transmission, empowerments and teachings from HH Penor Rinpoche. And Rinpoche has completed all of the subjects mentioned above.
In 1994, HH Penor Rinpoche and HH Taklung Tshetul Rinpoche including their khenpos and a hundred more of lamas were at Bodhgaya where the Bhuddha attained enlightenment. It was then that Rinpoche took his bikshu precepts. His got the name Thubten Yeshey Namgel , and learned empowerments, oral transmissions which he practices to the completion.
After that, Rinpoche has received many empowerments, oral transmissions, zhogchen empowerments, oral transmissions and practices fromHH Dalai Lama, HH Menling Techen Rinpoche,HH Sakya Tenchen Rinpoche, HH Jadrel Rinpoche, Yulchu Khen Rinpoche. He also received Pema Lingpa’s Rinzin Terzhuo empowerment, oral transmission and practices from HH Penor Rinpoche, HH Delgo Khentshe Rinpoche,HH Dodrup Chen Rinpoche and HH Taklung Tshetul Rinpoche.
In order to practice the above mentioned practices he got, Rinpoche has been retreating for three years and three months. Upon the end of his retreat, host of his disciples have seen rainbow and nectar in the sky.
In 2005, His Root Guru, HH Penor Rinpoche has instructed him to come to Taiwan thinking that Taiwan is a Bhuddhist country; Taiwanese have faith in the Bhuddhism and respect monks and lamas. Many of the people there are inquisitive towards Buddha Dharma, and are eager to learn, contemplate or even practice the Buddha Dharma due to their past virtuous connections. There has been a great need of qualified Gurus along with the situation; therefore HH Penor Rinpoche has requested Rinpoche to go to Taiwan even for temporary in order to teach those who take much interest in Buddhism starting from the basic dharma: The rarity of the human body, the impermanent of life, existence of cause and result, defects of samsara, and the merit of liberation, to the profound Zhogchen teaching. HH hopes that Rinpoche will teach everything he knows about the Buddha Dharma to his disciple so that the Buddha Dharma will shine like the sun all over Taiwan.
We pray for the peace of Taiwan, and also the world; let there be without disease and obstacles, disaster, war. May all sentient beings attain enlightenment and buddhahood; may Rinpoche be able to spread the Dharma widely over the earth.
People who have faith in the Dharma, regardless of their age and gender are welcome to discover the Buddha Dharma within their hearts.



藏密祖師 蓮花生大士聖誕日,當天精進修持蓮師法,蓮師加持必定速至!
 必令心願成就! 遣除違緣! 此日若行廣大善業、功德無量!
持明總集長壽灌頂法脈來自多竹千法王、 貝諾法王、賈扎法王、 頂果欽哲法王 


極樂世界佛淨土  無量光佛難思憶
左輔大力大勢至  無量聖眾齊圍繞 
無量安樂之蓮邦  當我眾生離娑婆 
願生蓮邦出輪迴  願蒙佛恩慈加被 
生已即見阿彌陀  十方諸佛菩薩願 
圓滿我願令往生 令我無礙得成就
達德亞他  班達  最亞阿哇 布達 納亞 娑哇哈


無誑皈依勝處三寶前 以獻燈明供燈之福德
祈願得蒙三寶垂覆護 祈願心生利他大悲心
祈願清淨世世造罪障 祈願福德資糧速圓滿
祈願護法護母作住伴 祈願消除色身除病苦
祈願平息鬼魔部多索 祈願增長長壽與福德
祈願增長權勢與智慧 以外獻供燈明之緣起
祈願內外消除無明闇 祈願智慧本明燈熾然
願除今生違緣諸障礙 祈願順緣善妙無餘增
願除未來中有諸妄相 祈願親見本尊最勝面
祈願得證自利法身果 祈願承辦利他色身事
皈依勝處三寶真實力 緣起不誑真實威神力

金容光明寺大佛 之八聖吉祥祈請文[HQ]


白天念誦心願成 眠時念誦見善夢
戰爭時頌能勝利 開業時頌如意增
時常念誦添壽福 樂善圓滿心事成
消除業障善趨勝 佛國成辦佛陀云

‎11/7/30佛學課程 皈依三寶及修行人應守的戒律第四集(中文字幕版)

並提醒做學生們做大禮拜, 唸咒時要注意的地方....

11/7/30佛學課程 堪祖透美仁波開示切皈依三寶及修行人應守的戒律 第三集(中文字幕版)

講述皈依的戒律, 以及相信上師的重要...

‎11730佛學課程 皈依三寶及修行人應守的戒律第二集 (中文字幕版)

就是說 如果我們能夠常常憶念皈依三寶的功德
常常去憶念皈依三寶的功德 常常去憶念佛法僧
障礙還有痛苦 都能夠消除的

佛學課程: 堪祖透美仁波切開示皈依三寶及修行人應守的戒律第ㄧ集 (中文字幕版)

在這個世間不斷的生死流轉徘徊 在這個世間連一個小小的種子它也是一樣
想要追求於安樂的 那麼 想要遠離痛苦 對於六道有情眾生來說 都是一樣的心思
不管我們行善業也好 或是我們行惡業也好 我們都要依靠三寶 那我們不依靠三寶
的話 我們所行的惡業就沒辦法去透過懺悔的方式可以洗淨
大乘小乘人的皈依為何?? 何種皈依是否有帶到下一輩子去???
在我們臺灣這個地方的話呢 有很多人他精神方面產生了一個問題??
要如何讓他心中所具有的那樣 一種痛苦得以消除....